Lassaâd Saïdi – Original teaching

    The line    


Jacques Copeau

He founded his school « Vieux Colombier » in Paris in 1913.
This reformer of dramatic art created his school with the objective for his pupils
to unlearn the tricks of commercial theatre and the techniques of the conservatoire.
He promoted physical training, an approach to movement, improvisation,
mask play, text analysis.


Charles Dullin

1885 – 1945

He was Jacques Copeau’s right hand man. He promoted respect of the text
and a minimalist decor that placed the actor at the centre of the theatrical act.


Jean Dasté

1904 – 1994

He was a disciple of J. Copeau and founded the « Saison Nouvelle » Theatre.
He was the very example of the artist/citizen who defended decentralization in favour
of a popular theatre. After the liberation of France he worked in Grenoble with the « noble » mask.


Jacques Lecoq

1921 – 1999

He began as a physical education teacher, then actor in the Company of Jean Dasté.
There he discovered mask-work. In 1948 he left for Italy where he researched the mask.
He worked with Amleto Sartori and the Neutral Mask came into being.
With Giorgio Strehler and Paolo Grassi, he helped set up the school of The Piccolo Teatro de Milano.
There he discovered Greek tragedy and chorus-work.
in 1956 he created his International School of Theatre and Mime in Paris. Here he devoted himself to pedagogy.
Some of his students shared with him an interest in teaching and taught at his side
(Monika Pagneux, Edwardo Gallos, Norman Taylor, Pierre Bylan, Sandra Mladonovitch, Claude Everard, Philippe Avron…),
Others taught alongside Jacques Lecoq for several years before founding
their own schools Serge Martin, Philippe Gaulier, Lassaâd Saïdi…


Lassaâd Saïdi

He was a close collaborator of Jacques Lecoq for many years.
In 1983, in Brussels, he set up his School of Mime-Movement-Theatre.
This became the Lassaâd International Theatre School two years later.
He continues in the same teaching that he defended with Jacques Lecoq
and has since devoted himself to pedagogy.
In recognition of his collaboration Jacques Lecoq gave Lassaâd an original Neutral Mask
that had been designed and made by Amleto Sartori.