How can an inclusive and fair window be opened for all? The Ecole Lassaad has chosen to do just that: to open a window that pays tribute to and honours its many former students.
How can we represent them all? An impossible task…for which we apologise. So, those who unfortunately do not feature, please forgive us.
We wished, however, to create a video whose aim is to represent the wealth of their diversity and to reflect their professional skills.
Our former students are to be found throughout the world. They are creating new companies, new shows and plays. They work in all sectors: classical theatre, devised theatre, theatre of gesture, mime-theatre, youth theatre, dance-theatre, opera, one-man shows, one-woman shows, storytellers.
Some are playwrights, authors, directors, singers, film actors, magicians, puppeteers. They are to be found in the circus world, and also in training – directing workshops and teaching theatre and drama.