A special performance was given by the first year students during the ‘Night of the Museums’ at the Musée d’Art Ancien in Brussels. The theme was the paintings by Rubens that are in the main gallery.
It was with the language of the body that they translated their vision of the works.
Within the school the students had worked at length on the body’s recognition of the dynamic of all that moves: elements, materials, lights and colours.
This particular study led them to approach painting in such a way that they could represent in movement a complete period of Rubens’ work. It was entitled ‘Baroque Performance’.
Of the 27 musuems that participated the school was awarded the ‘prix du public’.
Comic’s museum:
Once again in February 2014 the Lassaad School takes part in the « nuits des musées ». This time, however, it is with the students of the second year in partnership with the Brussels museum of comic books.
What better place for the general public to get to know this style. It is quite special to the second year of study at the school and was created and developed by Lassaâd Saïdi.
The school and the students have translated into theatrical terms the bubbles and the frames, the stories and drawings of some iconic comic book characters such as Spirou, Tintin, Gaston, Astérix, le petit Spirou, Boule et Bill…
Cinema Museum:
«Museum Night Fever 2016» was the great event at which the second year students performed several silent cinema scenes. This was in the ideal museum best suited to the style – La Cinémathèque royale de Belgique.
A large audience was there to see this very special journey in black and white. The jerky agitated movement was accompanied by music and images from films of the 1910’s and 1920’s.